Tetris Game
OOP Java project. Implemented GUI, effective action listeners, abstract class,
and menu system following strict UMLs. Permits saving game, retrieving game files,
displaying high scores board, and changing size.
OOP Java project. Implemented GUI, effective action listeners, abstract class,
and menu system following strict UMLs. Permits saving game, retrieving game files,
displaying high scores board, and changing size.
Uses a set of 25 image cards and 3 kinds of tests through pop-up windows. Permits retesting, saved scores, and added scores.
Through pop-up windows, users choose board's size, and the number of ships. Applies an effective solution to the overlapping and overcrowding of ships problem.
GUI board which displays snowflakes that gradually change color utilizing effective math algorithms.
Two-player console game in Python. Implemented lists, methods, and error-checking.